Today, I Would Like to be a Tree | 2020

The Tree: A Reaction to Suffocation
I conceived this project as a constructive reaction against the feeling of suffocation. Be
it suffocation from the recent pandemic, Lebanon’s economic/ political situation, or the world’s biggest non-nuclear explosion. Observing the pain surrounding me, I had a recurring thought: I wanted to be a tree.The tree is an alternative, perhaps even an antidote. It protects, although shaken by ravages. Its roots embrace the earth from which it has sprung, in a reciprocal life force loop. A landscape of trees— serene and unflinching—stands as a counterforce to the conquering shocks that wrought their stinging havoc. The tree endures. And by enduring, heals. I want to be a tree that of such power that it can even erase the harm. This landscape will metamorphose onto the walls of Galerie Tanit—the very walls on which hung my latest exhibition, the very walls obliterated by the explosion. The gallery, now a (forced) open space, will host the creation of two murals painted on eighty cardboard panels. I will be drawing trees—the trees
of Beirut, the trees of my utopic dreams, the trees of change. The cardboard panels will then be sold; all proceeds will be credited to a relief fund held by Bassma to help reconstruct the Beiruti homes of those who are most in need.

A Tribute to One and Many
This body of work is first and foremost a tribute to the memory of the architect, our friend, Jean- Marc Bonfils who played a major role reviving Lebanon’s heritage, and built landmarks in our beloved Beirut. It is also a tribute to all the people and friends who fell victim to this massacre.The explosion has left us broken, mourning our losses; From beloved individuals, to places engraved in our memories, to our treasured Beirut as we know it. Most strenuous of all is how, in a matter of seconds, this event robbed, or even worse, annihilated the dreams of a nation—mine included—as we witnessed our capital reduced to rubble. Today, I would like to be a Tree is an attempt to overcome.

On July 27, 2020, Galerie Tanit inaugurated the show "Remains of the Last Red Rose" by the Lebanese artist Abed Al Kadiri. 
On August 4, 2020, a horrific explosion at the port of Beirut turned the city into rubble. The Gallery was destroyed, Al Kadiri's works were buried undered the shattered glass and the knocked down walls.
On July 27, 2020, Galerie Tanit inaugurated the show "Remains of the Last Red Rose" by the Lebanese artist Abed Al Kadiri. 
On August 4, 2020, a horrific explosion at the port of Beirut turned the city into rubble. The Gallery was destroyed, Al Kadiri's works were buried undered the shattered glass and the knocked down walls.
Making of “Today, I Would Like to be a Tree”
Mural 1, 2020, Charcoal and acrylic on acid free cardboard 370 x 700 cm
Mural 2, 2020, Charcoal and acrylic on acid free cardboard, 400 x 770 cm
Gallery View “Today, I Would Like to be a Tree” as displayed at Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon, 2020.